Feedback on your queries

I’m always happy to hear from readers, not just about Dawlish alone but about his entire world. Queries can relate to any aspect of the period as it affects Dawlish’s career – and perhaps some that don’t. I’m reasonably well-up on the political, military, naval and technology developments of the second half of the Nineteenth Century and I’m glad to share those insights. I can also usually direct you to reader-friendly sources where you can find more information.

Correspondents will not be identified by name, unless they so request, but their queries will be shown in full detail.

Below you will find my responses to such queries, starting with the most recent.

Depicting Violence – A corresponsent asked:

“Today’s readers do not have the same sensibility as Victorians. Is there a compromise in Britannia’s Wolf between the way Dawlish and his contemporaries saw, and to some extent accepted, violence, and the way we respond to it today?”

Click here to see Antoine’s reply…

Sources – A Reader asks “How do you research your subject matter, and where?”

Click here to see Antoine’s reply…

Dawlish ashore – Gentian asked:

Dawlish seems to be pretty comfortable fighting on shore – he was an officer in the Navy – how come he seems to be able to fight so well on land?

Click here to see Antoine’s reply…

Dawlish’s Ethical Dilemmas  –  James Bigelow asked: 

In “Britannia’s Reach” the central character, Nicolas Dawlish. involves himself with a distinctly unpleasant group of investors. Is he not too much of  flawed character to be considered a hero?

Click here to read Antoine’s reply…