1779 – Frigate Action HMS Quebec vs. Surveillante

HMS Quebec vs. Surveillante – 1779 Perhaps the most ferocious frigate action ever? Single ship actions, usually between frigates, are remembered as some of the most dramatic actions of the Age of Fighting Sail. They captured the imagination of the public in their own time, making heroes of captains like Pellew and Cochrane, who [...]

1779 – Frigate Action HMS Quebec vs. Surveillante2023-04-04T08:46:22+00:00

How do you make a monster gun disappear?

How do you make a monster gun disappear? In the second half of the 19th Century advances in metallurgy allowed an unprecedented increase in the size and weight of artillery pieces for applications in which mobility by land was not a concern. This applied to weapons mounted either in fixed fortifications, or on ships. The [...]

How do you make a monster gun disappear?2023-03-24T12:08:35+00:00

Surviving HMS Namur’s sinking, 1749

A survivor’s account – the loss of HMS Namur, 1749 Two conflicts – the War of Jenkin’s Ear and the War of Austrian Succession – merged into one and lasted from 1739 to 1749. The various international alliances involved were complex, but for Britain the main enemies were to be – as usual! – France and [...]

Surviving HMS Namur’s sinking, 17492023-03-17T21:07:27+00:00

Agony by ice: HMS Proserpine, 1799 Part 2

Agony by ice: HMS Proserpine, 1799 Part 2 (Click here to read Part 1 if you missed it previously) With a major portion of his crew and passengers having reached safety in Cuxhaven – albeit at the cost of a fearful trek across fissured ice – Captain Wallis remained on Neuwerk Island in the Elbe [...]

Agony by ice: HMS Proserpine, 1799 Part 22023-03-03T18:15:01+00:00
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