Discipline and heroism in the aftermath of the loss of HMS Alceste

Discipline, heroism and survival: HMS Alceste, 1817 The aftermath of the wreck of the French frigate Medusa in 1816 is widely regarded as one of the most horrible events in maritime history. Abandoned on an overloaded raft by officers and crew, who took to the boats when the vessel grounded off the coast of modern Mauritania, [...]

Discipline and heroism in the aftermath of the loss of HMS Alceste2023-04-17T14:07:16+00:00

Battling the curse of the Riff Pirates 1848-51

Fighting the Riff Pirates 1848-51 The Barbary pirates of North Africa were a scourge to maritime trade for many centuries. It was only in the nineteenth century that major naval and military campaigns – most notably the US Navy’s and Marine Corps’ intervention on “the Shores of Tripoli”, the Anglo-Dutch action against Algiers in [...]

Battling the curse of the Riff Pirates 1848-512023-04-10T09:39:29+00:00
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