Captain Death of the Privateer Terrible

Captain Death of the Privateer Terrible, 1756 For the commander of a privateer to be named “Captain Death” seems over-theatrical, especially as his ship was called the Terrible (one imagines him an adversary of Johnny Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow). There was however such a real-life character, even if this name was probably originally De’Ath, [...]

Captain Death of the Privateer Terrible2023-06-28T17:25:29+00:00

The French Navy’s Iéna and Liberté Disasters, 1907 & 1911

The French Navy's Iéna and Liberté Disasters, 1907 & 1911 In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries all major navies, other than the German, lost large ships through magazine explosions of unstable ammunition. The first of such tragedies was in the US Navy, when the battleship USS Maine blew up in the harbour of Havana, [...]

The French Navy’s Iéna and Liberté Disasters, 1907 & 19112023-06-22T17:38:53+00:00
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