HMS Queen Charlotte loss 1800

The loss of HMS Queen Charlotte, 1800 During the twentieth century, damage-control was to become a naval discipline in itself, and was to result in many epics of courage. In earlier centuries such response was on a much more ad-hoc basis but the bravery and self-reliance of the crews involved were no less than those [...]

HMS Queen Charlotte loss 18002023-11-29T17:27:07+00:00

Battle of Coronel, November 1st 1914: Part 2

The Battle of Coronel, November 1st 1914: Part 2 If you missed the first part of this article, please click here to read it. HMS Glasgow entered the Chilean port of Coronel to collect messages and news from the British consul. She found there a German supply ship which promptly radioed news of Glasgow’s arrival to von Spee. [...]

Battle of Coronel, November 1st 1914: Part 22023-11-10T18:27:04+00:00

Battle of Coronel, November 1st 1914 – Part 1

The Battle of Coronel, November 1st 1914 – Part 1 The Battle of Coronel, the first defeat to be suffered at sea by Britain’s Royal Navy in a century, was fought in stormy seas and fading light off the coast of Chile and was to result in the loss of over 1600 men. The [...]

Battle of Coronel, November 1st 1914 – Part 12023-11-02T19:07:37+00:00
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