HMS Dolphin’s capture of the slaver Firme, 1841

HMS Dolphin and the capture of the slaver Firme, 1841  Early 19th Century Slaver In 1807 Britain was the first nation to outlaw the slave trade, one which had existed for millennia (and that, to a certain extent, still does). Active measures to suppress the evil had to wait until the end of the Napoleonic Wars, when other [...]

HMS Dolphin’s capture of the slaver Firme, 18412024-08-15T19:27:40+00:00

Frigate Duel, 1782: HMS Santa Margarita vs. L’Amazone

Frigate Duel, 1782: HMS Santa Margarita vs. L’Amazone In reading about warfare in the Age of Fighting Sail one is invariably impressed by the aggression and sheer bloody-minded will to win that characterised the officers and crews of the Royal Navy. These were the factors that regularly brought victory even when the odds seemed stacked against British [...]

Frigate Duel, 1782: HMS Santa Margarita vs. L’Amazone2024-06-13T20:17:00+00:00
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