The Varyag at Chemulpo 1904

The Russian Navy's Varyag at Chemulpo 1904: A heroic last stand and a strange afterlife Heroic “last stands”, whether on land or at sea, are always fascinating - and inspirational - but the case described here was exceptional in that the ship involved was to survive into a quite amazing afterlife. Soviet commemorative stamp [...]

The Varyag at Chemulpo 19042020-11-06T20:17:07+00:00

HMS Indefatigable versus Droits de l’Homme 1797

HMS Indefatigable vs. Droits de l’Homme  Desperate action in storm and darkness  1797 Besides their few major fleet actions, the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars saw many vicious encounters between small numbers of French and British ships which have since provided the inspiration for much naval fiction. One of the most ferocious of these [...]

HMS Indefatigable versus Droits de l’Homme 17972024-05-30T19:07:41+00:00
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