Destruction of HMS Crescent, 1808

Storm and Horror: The Destruction of HMS Crescent, 1808 For most officers and men, storms represented a greater threat to life than enemy action throughout the Age of Fighting Sail. The loss of HMS Crescent, off the coast of Denmark in December 1808, is an appalling example of how a well-built wooden ship could [...]

Destruction of HMS Crescent, 18082022-02-25T21:02:24+00:00

Trader vs. Privateer- An Unequal Duel 1744

An Unequal Duel: Trader vs. Privateer 1744 The story of war against maritime trade in the Age of Fighting Sail is usually told, whether in fact or in fiction, from the viewpoint of the naval commerce-raider intent on prize-money. One finds few accounts which view these contests from the side of the victims. I [...]

Trader vs. Privateer- An Unequal Duel 17442022-02-18T18:11:21+00:00

War with Russia – HMS Implacable, 1808 & 1809

HMS Implacable at war with Russia – 1808 & 1809  Two events dominate the general impression of Russia’s role in the Napoleonic Wars. The first is the crushing defeat of Russian and Austrian forces at Austerlitz in 1805 – arguably Napoleon’s most impressive battle. The second was the French retreat from Moscow in late 1812, harried [...]

War with Russia – HMS Implacable, 1808 & 18092023-03-10T17:46:36+00:00

van Speijk’s sacrifice – Antwerp, 1831

“I’d prefer to be blown up!” - van Speijk at Antwerp, 1831 The revolt that led to the creation of modern Belgium as an independent state was the background to an act of insane heroism by a young Dutch naval officer, Jan van Speijk, whose (alleged) last words were to become an expression still [...]

van Speijk’s sacrifice – Antwerp, 18312022-02-03T17:10:23+00:00
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