British Spying in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Eras

Guest Blog: British Spying in the Napoleonic Era Introduction by Antoine Vanner: One of the pleasures for me when I joined the historical novelist community a decade ago, was meeting writers who specialise in periods other than the Late Victorian Era in which my own work is set. One of these is Tom Williams. [...]

British Spying in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Eras2022-09-30T15:01:08+00:00

Hell and High Water – HMS Nautilus, Part 2

Hell and High Water: HMS Nautilus, 1807 Part 2 At the end of Part 1 of this article (Click here to read it if you missed it) we left Captain Palmer and the remaining survivors of the brig-of-war HMS Nautilus, starving and exposed on a low and storm-lashed rocky islet close to the Greek island of Antikythera. Meanwhile, [...]

Hell and High Water – HMS Nautilus, Part 22022-09-23T19:07:54+00:00
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