Ordeal by Fire – RMS Amazon, 1852

The Loss by Fire of the RMS Amazon, 1852 Ships are still lost at sea in our own time, frequently as a result of regulations and standards being ignored rather than standards being established in the first place to ensure safe operation. When reading of seafaring in the 19th Century, and the vast numbers of maritime [...]

Ordeal by Fire – RMS Amazon, 18522022-10-14T14:56:57+00:00

The wrecking of HMS Sceptre, 1799

The Loss of HMS Sceptre, 1799 When thinking about war at sea in the Age of Fighting Sail one’s attention is immediately drawn to the ferocity of battle when ships engaged at close quarters. In actuality however combat was relatively rare but wreckage in stormy weather remained a constant – and exhausting – hazard at all [...]

The wrecking of HMS Sceptre, 17992022-10-07T18:43:23+00:00
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