1667 AND ALL THAT: Guest Blog by J.D.Davies

1667 and all that: Guest Blog by J.D. Davies Dutch attack on the Medway, June 1667 by Pieter Cornelisz van Soest Antoine Vanner: I have been impressed since first discovering the non-fiction and fiction of the distinguished naval historian J.D.Davies, about whom a short biographical note is provided at the end [...]

1667 AND ALL THAT: Guest Blog by J.D.Davies2017-07-18T20:52:21+00:00

July 1917: A month of carnage at sea

July 1917: A month of carnage at sea U-boat warfare, as idealised by German artist Willy Stöwer (1864-1931) In July 1917, Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare campaign was entering its sixth month. U-boat attacks on Allied naval and civilian shipping, with the occasional, often accidental, sinking of neutral vessels, had been a feature of war [...]

July 1917: A month of carnage at sea2020-07-14T18:04:45+00:00

Britain and France confront Argentina – the Battle of Obligado, 1845

Britain and France confront Argentina Battle of Obligado, 1845 British ships (right) and French ships (left) move up the Parana river towards Argentinian defences, November 20th 1845 Today, when one thinks of naval combat between British and Argentinian forces the Falklands War of 1982 is the case most likely to come to mind. [...]

Britain and France confront Argentina – the Battle of Obligado, 18452018-03-29T18:29:07+00:00
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