Jean Bart – Sea Devil Incarnate

Jean Bart – Sea Devil Incarnate The French Navy’s record through the centuries never achieved the string of memorable victories won by Britain’s Royal Navy – though one French triumph, that of the Virginia Capes in 1781, was decisive in assuring American Independence. One French naval hero was however to achieve a status in [...]

Jean Bart – Sea Devil Incarnate2020-05-26T19:18:34+00:00

The Panama Crisis of 1885 and Chile’s cruiser Esmeralda

The Panama Crisis of 1885 The Esmeralda and Chile’s fleeting moment of naval superiority  The “Panama Crisis” of 1885 is forgotten today and indeed blew over quickly at the time. It did however serve to highlight the weakness of the United States’ “Old Navy” and supported the necessity of building modern ships and creating a “New [...]

The Panama Crisis of 1885 and Chile’s cruiser Esmeralda2020-07-03T18:58:51+00:00

Two USS Wasps: Glory and Tragedy in the War of 1812

Two USS Wasps Glory and Tragedy in the War of 1812 The name Wasp is one of the oldest and most illustrious names given to ships of the United States Navy. The earliest, a schooner purchased by the Continental Navy in late 1775, was one of the first ships in American government service and [...]

Two USS Wasps: Glory and Tragedy in the War of 18122020-04-28T09:51:28+00:00

The 1895 disappearance of the Reina Regente

The disappearance of the Reina Regente, 1895 Disappearance without trace of ships at sea still occurs in our own time but was a more common happening before the days of radio allowed transmission of distress calls. Many such losses in the past were associated with poor maintenance and poor operational procedures of merchant ships.  [...]

The 1895 disappearance of the Reina Regente2020-08-11T18:49:47+00:00

HMS Shah vs Huascar – Duel in the Pacific,1877

HMS Shah  vs Huascar – Duel in the Pacific, 1877 An earlier blog told of what was possibly the most ferocious single ship action fought in the age of sail – the engagement between the frigates HMS Quebec and the French Surveillante. (Click here to read it if you missed it previously). I’m now [...]

HMS Shah vs Huascar – Duel in the Pacific,18772020-03-06T20:51:24+00:00
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