SS Great Britain – first ocean liner

Visiting restored SS Great Britain, early ocean liner I recently visited the restored SS Great Britain, laid down in 1839 and launched in 1843, the brainchild of the great British engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel. She is today located in Bristol, England, and is a splendid memorial to a heroic era in engineering and seafaring. Antoine [...]

SS Great Britain – first ocean liner2021-03-30T15:42:51+00:00

Last Fireship Attack? HMS Dart & Désirée 1800

The Last Fireship Attack? HMS Dart & Désirée, 1800 For many centuries fireships were to be some of the most dramatic and devastating of all naval weapons, albeit that they were difficult to deploy and dangerous to their crews. The most effective and history-changing use ever of such ships was when they were used to attack the Spanish Armada [...]

Last Fireship Attack? HMS Dart & Désirée 18002019-04-22T11:12:59+00:00

The Two Tragedies of the SS Orteric

The Two Tragedies of the SS Orteric The 9th of December 2015 was  the 100th anniversary of the torpedoing in the Eastern Mediterranean  of the SS Orteric. This 6,535-ton, 460-feet cargo and passenger liner was a relatively new ship, built in Scotland and entering service in 1911.  At the time of her loss to a [...]

The Two Tragedies of the SS Orteric2019-04-09T20:23:42+00:00

HMS Southampton off Toulon 1796

“Bring me out the enemy’s ship if you can…” HMS Southampton off Toulon, 1796 Close blockade of the coasts of French-occupied countries in the Napoleonic era was the most important weapon in Britain’s armoury. It may indeed also have been the single most important factor in securing Napoleon’s ultimate defeat. He all but acknowledged this by [...]

HMS Southampton off Toulon 17962019-04-02T18:45:48+00:00
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