Royal Edward & UB-14, 1915

Massacre at Sea: Royal Edward and  UB-14, 1915 In both World Wars the greatest danger many troops faced, especially if they were in support or non-frontline roles, may well have been that of sinking of their transports. It is a tribute to the efficacy of convoy and escort provisions that in practice only few of the millions [...]

Royal Edward & UB-14, 19152022-03-31T17:00:20+00:00

Heroic Merchantman vs. a French Privateer, 1811

Three Sisters Merchantman vs. a French Privateer, 1811  Throughout the Age of Fighting Sail merchant shipping – from small coastal craft to large vessels engaged in interoceanic trade – were at the mercy of privateers. These were privately owned vessels issued with “letters of marque” that authorised them to attack and capture enemy shipping. If captured they [...]

Heroic Merchantman vs. a French Privateer, 18112022-03-28T07:32:59+00:00

The Panama Crisis of 1885

The Panama Crisis of 1885 The Esmeralda and Chile’s fleeting moment of naval superiority  The “Panama Crisis” of 1885 is forgotten today and indeed blew over quickly at the time. It did however serve to highlight the weakness of the United States’ “Old Navy” and supported the necessity of building modern ships and creating a “New [...]

The Panama Crisis of 18852022-03-17T19:59:07+00:00

Disaster by fire: SS City of Montreal 1887

Loss by fire: SS City of Montreal 1887 The history of maritime passenger transportation in the mid-nineteenth century is, in great part, a depressing catalogue of disasters. Many involved large loss of life and, if not wholly preventable, could have involved far lower death tolls had elementary precautions been observed. It’s therefore all the more [...]

Disaster by fire: SS City of Montreal 18872024-04-18T15:37:58+00:00
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