HMS Leopard – USS Chesapeake Incident, 1807

The USS Chesapeake – HMS Leopard Incident, 1807 The three-year “War of 1812“between Britain and the United States, brought no great benefit to either nation. Though the issues involved were complex, one in particular, the British claim of the right to search neutral vessels for deserters from the Royal Navy, had the power to trigger [...]

 HMS Leopard – USS Chesapeake Incident, 18072024-07-04T17:05:26+00:00

A Franco-Prussian Battle off Havana, 1870

The Franco-Prussian Battle of Havana, 1870 The Prussian navy, a weak force composed mainly of gunboats, played an insignificant, if sometimes heroic, role in the three wars that led to proclamation of the German Empire in 1871. These were against Denmark (1864), Austria, Bavaria and other German States (1866) and France (1870-71).  Small as [...]

A Franco-Prussian Battle off Havana, 18702024-09-05T18:49:35+00:00
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