French oared-galleys in British Waters – 1707

An epic stand against French oared-galleys in British Waters – 1707 When one thinks of battles involving oared galleys one thinks automatically of actions in the Mediterranean. The lot of a galley-slave chained to an oar must have been dreadful enough in the warm and usually calm waters of that sea, but it must [...]

French oared-galleys in British Waters – 17072020-03-06T17:13:40+00:00

HMS Phaeton’s ruse – 1795

 A ruse to escape annihilation: HMS Phaeton, 1795  Cornwallis The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars saw very large numbers of battles at sea between small numbers of ships, but few in which entire squadrons engaged and yet fewer fleet actions on the scale of the Nile, Camperdown or Trafalgar. On one occasion however a medium-sized Royal Navy squadron [...]

HMS Phaeton’s ruse – 17952020-03-06T17:18:28+00:00

The Rebel Ironclad CSS Stonewall – Part 2

From Rebel to Samurai – the epic career of the Confederate ironclad Stonewall - Part 2 Part 1 of this article told of the genesis of the ironclad, CSS Stonewall. To read it, click here.    The Alabama/Kearsarge action by Édouard Manet A major role is played in my new novel, Britannia’s [...]

The Rebel Ironclad CSS Stonewall – Part 22020-03-06T17:19:18+00:00

The Rebel Ironclad CSS Stonewall – Part 1

From Rebel to Samurai – the epic career of the Confederate ironclad CSS Stonewall - Part 1 In 1864, two significant conflicts raged: the "Danish War", in which Denmark resisted the combined forces of Prussia and Austria, and the Civil War that raged not only in North America but on the world's oceans. A [...]

The Rebel Ironclad CSS Stonewall – Part 12020-03-06T17:19:26+00:00
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