Disobedience triumphs – Guadeloupe 1759

Honour insulted, Disobedience triumphs – Guadeloupe 1759 The incident at the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801 when Nelson put his telescope to his blind eye and stated “I really do not see the signal!” is the most famous case of a Royal Navy officer disobeying orders and thereby achieving victory. A less well-known case [...]

Disobedience triumphs – Guadeloupe 17592020-03-08T00:08:13+00:00

Loss of HMS Dædalus, 1813

The Loss of HMS Dædalus, 1813 We have met Captain Murray Maxwell (1775 –1831) on this blog in an article dealing with his adventures in the frigate HMS Alceste in the Far East and her subsequent shipwreck in the East Indies in 1817. On this latter occasion Murray’s superb leadership was to ensure survival of his entire [...]

Loss of HMS Dædalus, 18132020-03-08T00:09:20+00:00

Admiral Nesbit Willoughby – Part 2

The Indestructible Admiral Nesbit Willoughby (1777–1849) Part 2 Sir Nesbit Josiah Willoughby had one of the most remarkable naval careers in the Age of Fighting Sail). The first part of this article (click here to read it) told of the first half of his service. So let’s pick up his story again. His name next [...]

Admiral Nesbit Willoughby – Part 22020-03-08T00:09:33+00:00

Admiral Nesbit Willoughby – Part 1

The Indestructible Admiral Nesbit Willoughby (1777–1849) Part 1 This two-part article was prompted by my perusal of a publication of mid-19th Century vintage. In it, I came across a reference to Admiral Sir Nesbit Josiah Willoughby (1777–1849) who “has so lately departed from the scene of earthly fame.” The writer went on to portray [...]

Admiral Nesbit Willoughby – Part 12020-03-08T00:09:46+00:00
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