Privateer Action off Peru 1801

Privateer Action off Peru 1801 Accounts of the Age of Fighting Sail, whether factual or fictional, are noticeably sparse as regards the activities of privateers, yet they played a vital role in the wars of the period. Essentially commercial ventures, individual or syndicate-owners were granted authorisation by their governments, by means of a “Letter of [...]

Privateer Action off Peru 18012023-04-14T08:26:36+00:00

Captain John Macbride, Part 2: The Artois Connection, 1780-81

Captain John Macbride, Part 2: The Artois Connection, 1780-81 In Part 1 of this article we saw Captain John Macbride (1735-1800), then captain of the 64-gun third rate ship-of-the-line HMS Bienfaisant distinguishing himself by an act of chivalry in the aftermath of the First Battle of Saint Vincent in January 1780. (Click here to [...]

Captain John Macbride, Part 2: The Artois Connection, 1780-812020-03-06T17:21:45+00:00

Captain John Macbride, Part 1: Honour and Humanity 1780

Captain John Macbride, Part 1: Honour and Humanity 1780 Captain Johm Macbride Many of the Royal Navy’s officers who proved outstanding leaders during the Age of Fighting Sail are undeservedly forgotten today. Their careers were often ones of essential but unspectacular service, punctuated by brief periods of furious action. One such officer [...]

Captain John Macbride, Part 1: Honour and Humanity 17802020-03-06T17:26:13+00:00

Fire on the RMS Amazon 1852

The Loss by Fire of the RMS Amazon, 1852 Ships are still lost at sea in our own time, frequently as a result of regulations and standards being ignored rather than standards being established in the first place to ensure safe operation. When reading of seafaring in the 19th Century, and the vast numbers of maritime [...]

Fire on the RMS Amazon 18522020-03-08T00:00:10+00:00

Heroes – Guest Post by Kimberley Jordan Reeman

Heroes A Guest Post by Kimberley Jordan Reeman   Introduction: Antoine Vanner It's a pleasure to welcome Kimberley  as a guest on my blog today. She is the widow of the great naval novelist Douglas Reeman - who wrote his books set in the twentieth century under his own name, and  his Bolitho Series, set [...]

Heroes – Guest Post by Kimberley Jordan Reeman2020-03-08T00:01:14+00:00

Battle of Coronel, November 1st 1914: Part 2

The Battle of Coronel, November 1st 1914: Part 2 If you missed the first part of this article, please click here to read it. HMS Glasgow entered the Chilean port of Coronel to collect messages and news from the British consul. She found there a German supply ship which promptly radioed news of Glasgow’s [...]

Battle of Coronel, November 1st 1914: Part 22022-11-11T15:04:27+00:00

The Battle of Coronel, November 1st 1914: Part 1

The Battle of Coronel, November 1st 1914 - Part 1 The Battle of Coronel, the first defeat to be suffered at sea by Britain’s Royal Navy in a century, was fought in stormy seas and fading light off the coast of Chile and was to result in the loss of over 1600 men. The [...]

The Battle of Coronel, November 1st 1914: Part 12022-11-03T18:31:52+00:00
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