Imperial German Navy vs. Haiti

The Imperial German Navy vs. Haiti, 1897 and 1902 The Imperial German Navy that went to war in 1914 was essentially a creation of previous four decades. One tends to think of it in terms of its squadrons of superbly engineered battleships and battle-cruisers, designed primarily for the anticipated show-down with the Royal Navy [...]

Imperial German Navy vs. Haiti2020-03-08T00:15:56+00:00

HMS Proserpine 1799 – Part 1

Agony by ice: HMS Proserpine, 1799 Part 1 HMS Proserpine was a 28-gun Enterprise-class frigate that entered Royal Navy service in 1777. Her career up to 1799 was worthy but unspectacular.  In January 1799 when commanded by Captain James Wallis, she was tasked with carrying the diplomat Thomas Grenville (1755 –1846) on the first [...]

HMS Proserpine 1799 – Part 12020-03-08T00:17:20+00:00

Penang’s connection with the German Navy

Penang's links with the German Navy in two world wars                       Fort Cornwallis today In a recent blog article, inspired by a visit to Malaysia some while back, I described Fort Cornwallis, at Georgetown, the main city on the island of Penang [...]

Penang’s connection with the German Navy2020-03-08T00:17:44+00:00

Wit and Wisdom of Admiral “Jacky” Fisher

The Wit and Wisdom of Admiral “Jacky” Fisher Fisher in 1902 - cartoon by "Spy" Few men can have had a greater influence on naval warfare than John Fisher (1841 – 1920), later Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher. This formidable figure, a human whirlwind, was responsible for building HMS Dreadnought, thereby “making [...]

Wit and Wisdom of Admiral “Jacky” Fisher2020-03-08T00:19:11+00:00
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