Built to be unlucky? The French battleship Suffren

Built to be unlucky? The French battleship Suffren The splendidly-expressive Yiddish word “schlemiel” describes a person who is invariably unlucky and  whose endeavours are doomed to failure – “so inept even inanimate objects pick on them”. One does come across such unfortunate individuals – who are usually likeable – but in reading naval history [...]

Built to be unlucky? The French battleship Suffren2020-04-14T18:12:10+00:00

“Snakes and Ladders” – Guest Blog by J.G. Harlond

"Snakes and Ladders" - Guest Blog by J.G. Harlond                         J.G. Harlond One of the great rewards for me of entering the writing community - an informal entity, rendered global by social media - is coming in contact with others who [...]

“Snakes and Ladders” – Guest Blog by J.G. Harlond2020-07-03T15:04:00+00:00

The SMS Grosser Kurfürst Disaster, 1878

The loss of SMS Grosser Kurfürst, 1878 Two maritime disasters which involved large loss of life occurred in British waters in 1878. One was about the now-forgotten disaster on the Thames in September 1878 when the excursion paddle steamer Princess Alice was sunk in a collision with the loss of some 640 lives (about which a blog will appear [...]

The SMS Grosser Kurfürst Disaster, 18782018-05-18T18:22:58+00:00

The Troopship Sant Anna sinking, May 1918

The Troopship Sant Anna sinking, May 1918 The Sant Anna, pre-war. (With acknowledgement to the “Forum PAGES 14-18” website: Les combattants & l'histoire de la Grande Guerre) There is something especially poignant about soldiers being drowned at sea, far from a land battle-front, and May 11th this year was the hundredth anniversary of such [...]

The Troopship Sant Anna sinking, May 19182018-05-16T14:18:02+00:00

Quarantine on the Isles of Scilly

Guest Blog: Quarantine on the Isles of Scilly                 Baggy Robinson Today’s blog is by a guest, Baggy Robinson, who deals with a most unusual subject – quarantining of shipping – but one which was of immense importance in the period before widespread innoculation and vaccination [...]

Quarantine on the Isles of Scilly2018-05-01T19:50:08+00:00
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